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UNWEARABLE ART - New Sculpture





Sharon Painter-Arps Art Gallery

Canada Glasses Back view of Canada Glasses

Canada Glasses

Medium: Canadian Jade

Dimensions: 52 mm x 134 mm x 89 mm.

Year: 2008

For sale

This sculpture has a maple leaf, the iconic Canadian image carved in relief. The idea of using glasses is a development of my work on my Master of Fine Art. I invented the idea of ethnoglasses where one views the world through their ethnic view and in some cases are blinded by it. So these glasses are for patriotic Canadians.

This carving is a version of the Canadian flag carved into the lens of glasses carved out of Canadian jade. More light hearted than the Junkie Glasses, this carving is about the patriotism and pride Canadians have in their country. I visited Kirk Makepeace at Jadewest, south of Vancouver. Kirk was very generous with his time and also gave me this prime jade to take back home.

This particular stone is a rich green and translucent. The jade is appropriately Canadian jade from Jade West owned by Kirk Makepeace. I visited Jade West in 2007 while in that area of the world and it was a fascinating experience. Kirk was very friendly and informative about Canadian jade and his mining operation.